Develops a variety of skills - concentration, logical thinking, listening and reasoning.
Wonderkidz Abacus both hand method stimulates cells in both right and left sides of the brain, resulting in whole brain development
We create the best learning environment with engaging and fun activities for all the students.
Using Anzan method your child can calculate faster than a calculator.
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The abacus, which the Japanese call soroban, is an ancient device made up of parallel rods, each containing five beads each. Once mastered, it enables you to add, multiply, subtract and divide much faster than you can with a paper and pencil Children are scientifically proven to absorb information quickly while their minds are still developing. We love children with their quick minds and accept new pupils age 5 and up.
WONDERKIDZ uses two hands approach simultaneously to stimulate left and right brain to process mental calculation. This process trains the child to use logical and creative mind to manipulate the virtual image of the abacus beads
Vedic maths the name given to the ancient system of mathematics, or, to be precise, a unique technique of calculations based on simple rules and principles, with which any mathematical problem - be it arithmetic, algebra, geometry or trigonometry - can be solved, orally!. The system is based on 16 Vedic sutras or aphorisms or definition, which are actually word-formulae describing natural ways of solving a whole range of mathematical problems. Vedic Maths is a mental tool for calculation that encourages the development and use of intuition and innovation, while giving the student a lot of flexibility, fun and satisfaction.
Practitioners of this striking method of mathematical problem-solving opine that Vedic maths is far more systematic, coherent and unified. For children, Vedic Maths is useful in removing the fear for Maths, creating an interest in Maths, cracking scholarship exams, facilitating creativity through pattern observation & recognition. Recommended age to learn vedic maths is 9 years and above